
We are the go-to organization for contra dancing and English country dancing in and around Syracuse, NY. These are multi-generational, participatory dances that are part of a very cool and ever-evolving living tradition. What makes our dance events so enjoyable is participation from YOU as a dancer.

All our dances have live music and a caller who teaches you everything you need to know to participate. Dancers of all experience levels come to our dances, and there’s no need to bring a partner to attend. If you come 20-30 minutes early and let our greeter know, someone will be happy to run you through a few basics before the dance begins.

If you have never done this sort of dancing before, expect to smile. A lot! All evening!

Prom is Coming!
May 17th, 2025

Our regular dance schedule is:

  • Contra dances on 1st & 3rd Saturdays
  • English country dancing on 2nd & 4th Saturdays (begins 5/24)
  • Special events throughout the year

Occasionally we cancel a dance to support another special dance opportunity in our region. Check this website or subscribe to our email list to stay up to date on schedule specifics.

Syracuse Country Dancers is proud to be an affiliate of The Country Dance and Song Society, which is an umbrella organization that supports participatory dance, music, and song traditions like ours with grants, technical support, programming and more. CDSS has been around since 1915, and it is fair to say that we would not be dancing as we do if it were not for CDSS. Check out their amazing website, and avail yourself of their resources and programs.

How can I support this kind of dancing?

  • Come and dance!
  • Volunteer – We are an all-volunteer organization. You can help clean up after a dance, bring a snack to share, help decorate for a special event, or offer a bed to visiting dancers or performers. Want to volunteer? Just ask at any dance.
  • Donate – Donations help us to better afford to hire live performers, put on special events, etc.
  • Join CDSS – And support the larger ecosystem of participatory across the US and Canada.