Register by October 11th and receive:
~ A discounted rate!
~ a nifty Phylla Mae button like the one shown here! and
~ the opportunity to order a tasty on-site lunch with all your dance friends for Saturday!
You can register for the whole weekend or for part of it (any combination of Friday evening, Saturday daytime, and Saturday evening). The registration form also allows you to request or offer local hospitality, or add a donation.
Prices at the door and after October 11th: are $30 per session (that is, for either evening dance, or for Saturday from 9:30-6:00), or $75 for the whole weekend. You’ll save money by pre-registering, and give the weekend a boost as well!
Register before September 15 for the entire event and receive: An even bigger “early bird” discount!
Donate in all kinds of ways: Putting together a dance weekend of this quality involves a variety of costs. To help us to pay for these, we welcome donations from those who love the music and dancing we offer, and can afford to donate. You can donate dollars, or donate by bringing refreshments, or donate your time as a volunteer. And while we set admission levels that allow us to make this event happen, we also always welcome dancers regardless of their ability to pay. If you have any questions about payment, feel free to email Carmen, our registrar.
To register by mail and pay by check:
Simply print out this registration form, put it with your payment in an envelope with a “forever” stamp (the form includes a mailing address), and send it via good, old-fashioned U.S. mail.
To register online and pay with a credit card:
Complete all the information in the secure form below, and click “Make Payment.” Please look for a receipt to be sent to the email address you enter. If you do not see one in your inbox, check your spam folder. If no receipt was delivered to either place, email Carmen (our registration person), who will gladly send a receipt for any payment received.
Registration Info